Fred Moore

Fred Moore

Dear Jyl,

I want to say thank you for your four Fat Free Cookbooks. About three years ago I was turned on to Fat Free Living after having read Dr. Dean Ornish’s book, “Eat More, Weigh Less”, and embraced the concept that damage done physically could be reversed with healthy eating. Shortly, thereafter, I came across your first book because I wanted something to simplify meal preparation and still be appetizing. As a result of following this regiment I shed 95 pounds and have not gained back one once. Each new offering throughout all your books Recipes For Fat Free Living Cookbooks has been a delectable adventure. Keep up the splendid work and again, I say THANK YOU!

Fred Moore,

Knoxville, TN

Debbie Alfonso

Debbie Alfonso

I was 187 pounds and on my way to 200 pounds. I knew I had to do something and had to do it fast! I was 35 years old and knew it was time in my life to make some changes. I knew the importance of good health and knew that at my present weight I was setting myself up for a spectrum of possible health problems. So I set out to achieve overall better health as my primary goal. This was the beginning of the battle against fat. The first thing I did was to get on a good vitamin and mineral program. The next thing I started to do was to read as much as I could.

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Nance Kruh-Meyer

Nance Kruh-Meyer

I have always been very athletic and never really had a weight problem until I went off to college-since my college days I always battled the last 5 lbs., but all in all I was always very slim and healthy looking. After college I got in really terrific shape with step aerobics, stair-climbing, and weight training. It wasn’t until I had my daughter that I really had a weight problem to speak of. I just couldn’t get the last 15 lbs. off! To my horror, at the gym I had a bodycomp done and my body fat % was 27.5!!!! I went to weight watchers and did very well there except for the last 10 lbs. I decided to try a personal trainer, because I wanted to feel toned and healthy again. The first day we worked together he told me that diet was 75% of the key to success, that I could do every exercise in the book and do it right but what I was fueling my body with was crucial!

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Pam Cook


I can’t believe you really called! As I told you on the phone, I had gone to my doctor and my cholesterol count was 285-so I immediately went on a fat free diet. My sister-in-law, Laurie, bought me three books-one was your FAT FREE SUPER COOKBOOK. I loved it. The other two books went back. These were recipes that were easy to follow and so delicious! I have not felt deprived at all!! My husband has lost 25 pounds and I have lost 24 pounds in just a few days shy of two months. I’ve gone from wearing a size 12 jeans down to a size 6. Best of all, my cholesterol has gone from 285 down to 191, triglycerides from 216 to 90. WOW!! I can’t tell you how much better I feel! I have also been walking 2-4 miles a day, twice a day.I can’t thank you enough for caring enough to develop these wonderful recipe books. I share them with my friends and family. I know that in order to stay healthy I must remain FAT FREE for life, but that’s great when it can be done with such delicious food and I don’t miss all that FAT at all!!

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Brenda Hardy

Brenda Hardy

My name is Brenda Hardy. During my high school days, I was so active in sports that I didn’t have to worry about what I ate. After I was married and had children, my lifestyle changed, thus beginning the battle. After my second child was born I found myself thirty pounds overweight, with no time to exercise, enrolled in Weight Watchers with my mother. I lost the weight but I felt that I was missing out on the things I really wanted to eat. I knew that when I got off the “diet” I was going to eat the food I had been deprived of, and deserved!

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