Kelley Williamson

I remember being around 6 years old and standing at the counter helping my mother stir cookies or frost cakes. I have always had a love for cooking and by the time I turned 8 I quickly became the full time cook for my family of 7 at the time. I would come home from school around 3:00 or 3:30 and then look at what my mother had laid out for thawing and then start planning what needed to be made first and what needed to be made last.

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J. Florence Whitney

Dear Jyl,

J. Florence Whitney

Enclosed are the photos you requested. The only “befores” I could find were in the Ladies Club Album. So I scanned them into my computer, then printed copies. If you decide you can use them, I can get the original negatives from our club photographer. The two “after” photos were taken with my digital camera and I printed them also.

My guess is that the magazine people will want photos of someone who is younger, and who looks more svelte than I ever will. (Not that I’m unhappy with the results of my lifestyle change.) It’s amazing, even to me, the difference in how I look and feel.

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Meredith Wilson

Meredith Wilson

It’s hard to believe that exactly one year ago I weighed 300 pounds. The adage “you are what you eat” certainly applied to me and my lifestyle. I became fat because I consumed fat

I’ve battled my weight and lack of self esteem all my life. My parents would bribe me in many ways if I would lose weight. Well, I’d lose the weight alright, usually by starving myself on peaches, cottage cheese and melba toast, only to gain it right back because I didn’t (or wouldn’t) focus on why my eating was out of control. Food was my comfort, my best friend. I’ve always been an equal-opportunity eater.

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