For the past 2 1/2 years Aspen Sims has been cooking creative and delicious dishes at Binkley’s Restaurant. However, starting as a dishwasher at Ciao Grazie, is what kicked off her culinary jobs.
Continue reading “Aspen Simms”For the past 2 1/2 years Aspen Sims has been cooking creative and delicious dishes at Binkley’s Restaurant. However, starting as a dishwasher at Ciao Grazie, is what kicked off her culinary jobs.
Continue reading “Aspen Simms”Diane Smith shares whole food plant-based recipes, science-backed articles and tools to help people make the dietary change that could save their lives. website: plantbasedcooking.com
I am a currently a student majoring in Nutrition and Health in Texas. When I’m not studying, I am either with my daughter traveling or trying out different recipes together. I also work with my parents at our juice bar called Pure Juice. I am always incorporating a healthy lifestyle into lives.
Continue reading “Kiana Varner”I remember being around 6 years old and standing at the counter helping my mother stir cookies or frost cakes. I have always had a love for cooking and by the time I turned 8 I quickly became the full time cook for my family of 7 at the time. I would come home from school around 3:00 or 3:30 and then look at what my mother had laid out for thawing and then start planning what needed to be made first and what needed to be made last.
Continue reading “Kelley Williamson”by Jyl Steinback
Medium | Kid Friendly | Gluten Free | 10 Servings
Indulge your taste with this chunky, yummy spice combo!
Continue reading “Spicy Sonoran Chili”by Jyl Steinback
Easy | Gluten Free | 4 Servings
Cauliflower is filled with lots of nutrients and fiber. A bowl of this soup is a great way to reap those wonderful benefits.
Continue reading “Spicy Cauliflower Soup”by Jyl Steinback
Easy | Gluten Free | 4 Servings
Slow cookers are one of my favorite way to prepare family meals – quick, easy and plant nutritious.
Continue reading “Mediterranean-Style Stew”by Jyl Steinback
Easy | Gluten Free | 6 Servings
The addition of lentils adds a protein punch to this Italian style tomato soup.
Continue reading “Lentil-Tomato Soup”Dear Jyl,
Enclosed are the photos you requested. The only “befores” I could find were in the Ladies Club Album. So I scanned them into my computer, then printed copies. If you decide you can use them, I can get the original negatives from our club photographer. The two “after” photos were taken with my digital camera and I printed them also.
My guess is that the magazine people will want photos of someone who is younger, and who looks more svelte than I ever will. (Not that I’m unhappy with the results of my lifestyle change.) It’s amazing, even to me, the difference in how I look and feel.
Continue reading “J. Florence Whitney”It’s hard to believe that exactly one year ago I weighed 300 pounds. The adage “you are what you eat” certainly applied to me and my lifestyle. I became fat because I consumed fat
I’ve battled my weight and lack of self esteem all my life. My parents would bribe me in many ways if I would lose weight. Well, I’d lose the weight alright, usually by starving myself on peaches, cottage cheese and melba toast, only to gain it right back because I didn’t (or wouldn’t) focus on why my eating was out of control. Food was my comfort, my best friend. I’ve always been an equal-opportunity eater.
Continue reading “Meredith Wilson”