I am in better shape now at 40 years old than I was at 20. This isn’t because I diet or have an intense fitness regime: it’s because I have adopted a healthy lifestyle. And I want to help YOU live a happy, healthy life too by making sensible choices.
I am passionate about promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. I advocate for proper nutrition plus being active, something I know a lot about now, but I wasn’t always this way. When I was in my early 20s I struggled with an eating disorder. I’d say I was slightly bulimic. I didn’t have a clue about what to eat and thought the less I ate, the skinnier I would be. After adopting whole foods plant-based diet (WFPBD) at age 33 as well as walking and doing yoga, I am at peace with food and my body today.
How did I come to that? Well, it was back in 2012 when my best friend went to study nutrition and through her new information started to flow in. To be honest, I was quite skeptical in the beginning believing that meat really was essential for my health. Then however, I began to read The China Study (that my friend had suggested). I was staying
home with my almost 2-year-old at the time. So, I could read the book every day when he was asleep. Then, in the evening I’d give an update to my husband who was also very skeptical at first asking all kinds of inconvenient questions. However, finally we were both convinced and at the same page about the necessity to transition ourselves to plant-based eating.
For a while already we’d both been feeling that dairy was not for us and thus this was the first food group we kicked out of our menu. Next came meat, then eggs and finally fish. When I started to insert all my meals into nutritional database, I was amazed of the quantities I could eat on WFPBD. I’ve always liked to eat a lot, so that made me super happy. I also discovered how wrong my conceptions of proper nutrition had been. I still remember when I thought eating a huge pear would make me fat!
My husband has been the beneficiary of making the switch to healthier eating after being hospitalized with gallstones for a second time. The surgeon told him it was absolutely necessary to cut him open in order to treat the problem. He refused and instead started eating my WFPBD meal plans. He got rid of his symptoms and lost 15 kilos (33 pounds) in six months.
However, my story doesn’t end there. I too screwed up, even with WFPBD! I started eating too much of high glycemic foods, such as dried and fresh fruit as well as baked grains in combination with high-fat foods (nuts and seeds). Having a history with antibiotics it didn’t take long before I developed Candida overgrowth. However, I choose to ignore the symptoms not to give up my favorite foods. Can you relate?
I finally pulled myself together and left the comfort zone yet once again to start Candida diet in August 2016 after 2 years of postponing. So, the research began again – I found a lot of information on Candida diet online and purchased a few thorough books as well, but what I didn’t find was a diet suitable for vegans. Consequently, I took all the information I’d gathered from my research and started to compile a balanced meal plan that’d cover all the macros as well as micros.
At first it was only for myself, but as time went by and I saw that the meal plan is working and also sharing my journey through my blog and social media, people started to inquire about it. So, as the demand grew, I developed the plan further and asked a few people to try it out. I was so glad to see that they were really happy with the results, so more and more people have tried it with equally positive outcome. By now, vegan Candida meal plans and balanced blood sugar on WFBPD has become my niche!
After being on my own health journey for so long, seeing others battle with well being and weight makes me sad. I often hear people blame their “bad” genes for being overweight. But that’s just an excuse. As the mother of a young boy, I know it’s tough trying to read up on healthy foods and take the time to prepare good meals. That’s one of the reasons I started my blog Nutriplanet.org.
I put information about proper nutrition, exercise and healthy minds directly into your hands through articles, blog posts, tutorial videos, recipes and shopping/eating out guidance. I compile my health and nutrition research, knowledge and certificate in Plant Based Nutrition into ready-to-use tips for you to plug into everyday living.
This stuff is not secret but it’s something I believe big business would prefer you didn’t know. I think companies are profiting from not being concerned about people’s health and the environment. Breaking the chain of illness and getting people moving means making informed choices and reversing the idea that good food can’t be tasty. I love to eat and anything I prepare needs to taste delicious.
When I started looking into healthy lifestyles and eating I knew I had to tell others about what I discovered. I knew I had to share the connection between health and nutrition so people could take their well-being into their own hands before it was too late. That’s what my work is about: a hub for you to fuel your body and mind throughout your journey on Earth.
Yours truly,